
Mean overall score from 422 participant responses. Feedback available on request.


Writing-up research findings is a fundamental requirement for scientific success. This workshop enables scientists to communicate their research clearly and effectively in a Research Article.


Participants Learn How To:

  • Apply five key principles of scientific writing.
  • Target their publication to a specific audience by “framing” their research story for increased impact.
  • Construct a memorable “take-home message” by connecting all parts of the paper in a flowing narrative.
  • Use the writing process to guide & understand their own research.
  • Overcome writer’s block by combatting perfectionism and procrastination.


Science Craft’s Teaching Approach:

  • Uses discussions, exercises and homework to underscore key-points.
  • Equips participants with writing tools rather than burdening them with writing rules.
  • Includes editing of participants’ Abstracts and integrates edits of their own material into the workshop.
  • Trains participants to evaluate published articles for their writing style and not just their science.
  • Provides participants with a clear “road-map” to help them write their next article in an efficient and painless manner.


What Sets This Workshop Apart:

  • Participants receive a printed manual guiding them through all levels of scientific writing from the fundamentals of word choice to the overall structure of the paper.
  • Integration of research articles selected by participants tailors workshop activities to their specific interests and fields of research.
  • Instructor is a native English-speaking scientist with over 15 years of scientific writing, editing and publishing experience in high-ranking scientific journals.
  • Participants receive detailed individual feedback on their own writing from the trainer.



Course Details
Duration: 2 full days
Maximum Capacity: 10 participants with one instructor
Instructor: Dr. Brian Cusack


Participant Feedback

Students learn the fundamentals of clear communication as well as understanding the structure of a research article