“Great organization and even greater motivation.”
Participant feedback from Science Craft’s previous Writing Labs held in-house:
Through one-to-one mentoring, the “Online Writing Lab for Research Articles” creates an accelerated writing environment for early career life-scientists who want their research to be published speedily and at the highest level.
Not only will the Lab get you off to a great start when writing your next research article, it will also help get you over the finish line. Plus, by establishing good writing practice, the Lab will benefit your future papers – giving them a head start in the race to publish.
The Writing Lab is designed around a structured and well-paced program:
Your Writing Mentor supports you from start to finish in tandem with the writing process. Together you iteratively improve the text thus strengthening your writing skills into the future.
Structural aspects of the paper (e.g. focus and framing) are optimised at the start thus avoiding fundamental problems later on. In contrast, conventional editing services provide feedback only after the paper is written when it is often too late to resolve structural difficulties without going “back to the drawing board”.
Also, if you simply don’t know where to start or lose writing momentum half-way through, your Writing Mentor is there to help!
Tailored Support
ExperienceDr Brian Cusack draws on a decade of experience as an editor of more than one thousand scientific texts. As a consultant and Writing Mentor he has facilitated the authors of 40 full-length scientific manuscripts and run several Writing Labs in-house.
PassionParticipants at Science Craft’s Scientific Writing workshop, already know the passion Brian brings to the topic. You can expect the same enthusiasm and the same helpful and friendly professionalism you experienced in Science Craft’s workshops!
IntegrityScience Craft’s track record of Integrity speaks for itself. Since 2012, Science Craft has upheld scrupulous confidentiality with more than one thousand scientific texts including Horizon 2020 funding applications submitted at the highest level. Your science is in good hands.
ValueThe step-by-step guidance and writing tips provided by your Writing Mentor improves the quality and efficiency of your writing not just for this paper but for your future papers. This makes the Writing Clinic good value for money today and a great investment for tomorrow!
To receive end-to-end publication support, you can request consultation on:
Research articles benefitting from Science Craft’s mentoring and editing services have so far been published in:
Nature Plants, Nature Ecology & Evolution, Nature Communications, Cell Reports, PLOS Computational Biology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Biology Direct, BMC Ecology, eLife, Folia Geobotanica, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Plant Ecology, Movement Ecology, Oikos, PLOS ONE, Proceedings of the Royal Society B and Scientific Reports.
The Online Writing Lab harnesses the principles introduced in Science Craft’s writing workshop. So if you are a previous workshop participant you are ready to go! If not, then comparable training in Scientific Writing and a familiarity with the principles of writing a Research Article are highly desirable.
The only other requirement is that you should have publishable data and a sense of the scientific story you want to tell!
For find out more and to inquire about scheduling a writing lab, contact Brian at writing.lab(at)science-craft.com. Please include the following details::